Already a therapist?

Looking to upgrade your skills &

help your clients find lasting change? 

So you’re already a qualified, insured hands-on therapist, interested in adding CranioSacral Therapy to your treatments.


(Not yet? Check out this page but then look at Training from Scratch too!)

Want to know what the Upledger CST training is like?

Most of our students say:

‘It’s a Journey…’

And every journey begins with the first step, right?

Your first step on this journey is our 4-day CranioSacral Therapy 1 class.

You can sign up for that whenever you are ready.

Find upcoming dates on the Calendars page and also on the CST1 sign up page.

And then?

To continue your training there are 4 more core curriculum classes.

We call them CranioSacral Therapy 2, SomatoEmotional Release 1 & SomatoEmotional Release 2; and Advanced CranioSacral Therapy 1.

You need to do them in that order.

The first four are 4-day modules and the fifth is 5-days, held on retreat.

You’ll typically need 3 – 6 months in between each class to practice and embed what you have learned (guidance is given in each class) – but the more you’re able to practice, the sooner you’ll be ready!

Getting Qualified

To become qualified you need to do the 5 core curriculum classes, the Techniques exam (see the purple box link) and maintain membership of the Cranio Sacral Society.

Says who? 

The Cranio Sacral Society, which is the accrediting body for our training. (Why we have our own governing organisation is a long story, that started in the late 1990’s when the government asked complementary therapies to figure out their own journeys to self regulation… and a meaty tale for another time.) You will need to maintain membership for your qualification status. But we’ll fill you in on more about that later. 



And then there’s the other part of the journey.

The more personal one, that you probably can’t predict or anticipate,

other than knowing that to help your clients find their path to healing, you have to find yours first…

What You’ll Get From Each Course

CranioSacral Therapy 1 

Leave with extraordinary techniques for a whole body treatment that embeds the essence of the CST approach.

CranioSacral Therapy 2

Connect even more deeply with clients to help their body make even deeper structural and energetic change. 

SomatoEmotional Release 1

Reach deeper into you – hold a more potent space for clients.

SomatoEmotional Release 2

Now you are cooking! Developing the craft, deepening the art form…

Advanced CranioSacral Therapy 1

Commitment. To your work. Your clients. Yourself. 

Our students’ take on each of the classes

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CST1: a new chapter in my life

Doing CST1 I realised that the power of a light touch can bring great healing. I have a deeper connection with myself and the universe and am endlessly grateful for the course. Thank you everyone in the room for this amazing energy.


CST1: An Enriching Experience

I have certainly gained a wider understanding of the processes involved in CST and so much more besides… I might go so far as to say this was a really enriching experience that I want to take forwards and I will work out where and how this will fit for me. Thank you for this amazing course!


The Gift of CST2

‘The CST2 course was a wonderful, supportive learning environment. Caroline has a unique ability to breathe life into anatomy and technique lectures in a way that makes content immediately accessible and enjoyable. Leaving the course feeling enthusiastic and motivated to treat and prepare for the next step in the therapeutic process, rather than overwhelmed by information, is the real gift and value of Upledger courses.’

Carol Watt

The Post CST2 effect….

Since starting my training in CST I have noticed a huge shift on every aspect of myself – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I feel I am more in touch with my true essence than I have been since I was about 5 years old, more centred, more grounded, more at peace. With regards to my holistic therapy work, CST has brought in new layers and new depths to all my treatments. I feel I get to the source of patients’ problems much quicker than before and have so many tools to help them heal. As a homeopath, I feel that CST works in a very similar way, in that it encourages the body’s own healing system to recentre and rebalance, without force, which is how I love to work.

Sam Mitchell

The SER1 Boost…

SER1 helped to boost my confidence and strengthen the techniques I have learned. Extraordinary content and amazing instructors. There is also always so much support from the students and assistants in the classes too.
If you feel this course is for you be prepared to go beyond!! Enjoy the path…

Daniella B

SER1: So helpful for my practice

This class furthered my experience of and confidence in communicating with my inner wisdom. In my practice I can see I am becoming more neutral and allowing more time and space for the wonder and witnessing of CST work. It’s very helpful for my practice!

Lorena McLaughlin

SER2 from Afar…

I decide to come to this course (from Spain) to have a different experience. I was a little hesitant at first because of the language, but Caroline and Maggie and the group made me feel really comfortable and I have had an amazing experience here in the UK. I’ll recommend it to anyone.


After SER2

What a journey! Wonderful teaching in a lovely gentle manner & pace, allowing for questions, process, examples of client reactions & also laughter when needed. Such a valuable learning experience – again – giving me confidence & awareness of how many actual CST tools I have. #inspired-excited-grateful

Clare J

Advanced 1: Transformative training

When I began my CST journey my perception was about being a therapist and helping others. While it has delivered this in bucket loads at all course levels, it has also been transformative for me. This work has allowed me to get a sense of who I am, to feel more connected to my physical body, my emotions and my spiritual self. It has opened doors I never thought I would be capable of walking through but I did.
The Institute supports their students on their journey as do the other members in your class groups so you never feel alone or isolated.
If this work sparks a light within you don’t hesitate – act upon that light. You have nothing to loose yet so much to gain.

Mark Woodgate

On the Core Pack…

The core pack has been an amazing experience for me and has meant I have been able to continue on a journey I never thought I would be taking, physically, mentally and emotionally both for myself and my clients. It has also meant that I am going to be doing the CSTT exams which would probably not have been done if I had not taken the Core Pack. It is better value for money too if you plan on starting on this journey as you know you will have the 5 main courses under your belt. I would certainly recommend anyone starting on the CST journey go with the core pack.

Naomi Pegden

On the Core Pack and Qualifying

For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge about themselves, and explore the CST work – in order to be a more skillful therapist and have more tools and resources to help their clients – qualifying with Upledger has been one of the best investments in myself and my career. The vast knowledge, expertise and experience of the instructors and tutors was incredible and made assimilating the information easier and fun.


CST1: a new chapter in my life

Doing CST1 I realised that the power of a light touch can bring great healing. I have a deeper connection with myself and the universe and am endlessly grateful for the course. Thank you everyone in the room for this amazing energy.


CST1: An Enriching Experience

I have certainly gained a wider understanding of the processes involved in CST and so much more besides… I might go so far as to say this was a really enriching experience that I want to take forwards and I will work out where and how this will fit for me. Thank you for this amazing course!


The Gift of CST2

‘The CST2 course was a wonderful, supportive learning environment. Caroline has a unique ability to breathe life into anatomy and technique lectures in a way that makes content immediately accessible and enjoyable. Leaving the course feeling enthusiastic and motivated to treat and prepare for the next step in the therapeutic process, rather than overwhelmed by information, is the real gift and value of Upledger courses.’

Carol Watt

The Post CST2 effect….

Since starting my training in CST I have noticed a huge shift on every aspect of myself – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I feel I am more in touch with my true essence than I have been since I was about 5 years old, more centred, more grounded, more at peace. With regards to my holistic therapy work, CST has brought in new layers and new depths to all my treatments. I feel I get to the source of patients’ problems much quicker than before and have so many tools to help them heal. As a homeopath, I feel that CST works in a very similar way, in that it encourages the body’s own healing system to recentre and rebalance, without force, which is how I love to work.

Sam Mitchell

The SER1 Boost…

SER1 helped to boost my confidence and strengthen the techniques I have learned. Extraordinary content and amazing instructors. There is also always so much support from the students and assistants in the classes too.
If you feel this course is for you be prepared to go beyond!! Enjoy the path…

Daniella B

SER1: So helpful for my practice

This class furthered my experience of and confidence in communicating with my inner wisdom. In my practice I can see I am becoming more neutral and allowing more time and space for the wonder and witnessing of CST work. It’s very helpful for my practice!

Lorena McLaughlin

SER2 from Afar…

I decide to come to this course (from Spain) to have a different experience. I was a little hesitant at first because of the language, but Caroline and Maggie and the group made me feel really comfortable and I have had an amazing experience here in the UK. I’ll recommend it to anyone.


After SER2

What a journey! Wonderful teaching in a lovely gentle manner & pace, allowing for questions, process, examples of client reactions & also laughter when needed. Such a valuable learning experience – again – giving me confidence & awareness of how many actual CST tools I have. #inspired-excited-grateful

Clare J

Advanced 1: Transformative training

When I began my CST journey my perception was about being a therapist and helping others. While it has delivered this in bucket loads at all course levels, it has also been transformative for me. This work has allowed me to get a sense of who I am, to feel more connected to my physical body, my emotions and my spiritual self. It has opened doors I never thought I would be capable of walking through but I did.
The Institute supports their students on their journey as do the other members in your class groups so you never feel alone or isolated.
If this work sparks a light within you don’t hesitate – act upon that light. You have nothing to loose yet so much to gain.

Mark Woodgate

On the Core Pack…

The core pack has been an amazing experience for me and has meant I have been able to continue on a journey I never thought I would be taking, physically, mentally and emotionally both for myself and my clients. It has also meant that I am going to be doing the CSTT exams which would probably not have been done if I had not taken the Core Pack. It is better value for money too if you plan on starting on this journey as you know you will have the 5 main courses under your belt. I would certainly recommend anyone starting on the CST journey go with the core pack.

Naomi Pegden

On the Core Pack and Qualifying

For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge about themselves, and explore the CST work – in order to be a more skillful therapist and have more tools and resources to help their clients – qualifying with Upledger has been one of the best investments in myself and my career. The vast knowledge, expertise and experience of the instructors and tutors was incredible and made assimilating the information easier and fun.


CST1: a new chapter in my life

Doing CST1 I realised that the power of a light touch can bring great healing. I have a deeper connection with myself and the universe and am endlessly grateful for the course. Thank you everyone in the room for this amazing energy.


CST1: An Enriching Experience

I have certainly gained a wider understanding of the processes involved in CST and so much more besides… I might go so far as to say this was a really enriching experience that I want to take forwards and I will work out where and how this will fit for me. Thank you for this amazing course!


The Gift of CST2

‘The CST2 course was a wonderful, supportive learning environment. Caroline has a unique ability to breathe life into anatomy and technique lectures in a way that makes content immediately accessible and enjoyable. Leaving the course feeling enthusiastic and motivated to treat and prepare for the next step in the therapeutic process, rather than overwhelmed by information, is the real gift and value of Upledger courses.’

Carol Watt

The Post CST2 effect….

Since starting my training in CST I have noticed a huge shift on every aspect of myself – physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I feel I am more in touch with my true essence than I have been since I was about 5 years old, more centred, more grounded, more at peace. With regards to my holistic therapy work, CST has brought in new layers and new depths to all my treatments. I feel I get to the source of patients’ problems much quicker than before and have so many tools to help them heal. As a homeopath, I feel that CST works in a very similar way, in that it encourages the body’s own healing system to recentre and rebalance, without force, which is how I love to work.

Sam Mitchell

The SER1 Boost…

SER1 helped to boost my confidence and strengthen the techniques I have learned. Extraordinary content and amazing instructors. There is also always so much support from the students and assistants in the classes too.
If you feel this course is for you be prepared to go beyond!! Enjoy the path…

Daniella B

SER1: So helpful for my practice

This class furthered my experience of and confidence in communicating with my inner wisdom. In my practice I can see I am becoming more neutral and allowing more time and space for the wonder and witnessing of CST work. It’s very helpful for my practice!

Lorena McLaughlin

SER2 from Afar…

I decide to come to this course (from Spain) to have a different experience. I was a little hesitant at first because of the language, but Caroline and Maggie and the group made me feel really comfortable and I have had an amazing experience here in the UK. I’ll recommend it to anyone.


After SER2

What a journey! Wonderful teaching in a lovely gentle manner & pace, allowing for questions, process, examples of client reactions & also laughter when needed. Such a valuable learning experience – again – giving me confidence & awareness of how many actual CST tools I have. #inspired-excited-grateful

Clare J

Advanced 1: Transformative training

When I began my CST journey my perception was about being a therapist and helping others. While it has delivered this in bucket loads at all course levels, it has also been transformative for me. This work has allowed me to get a sense of who I am, to feel more connected to my physical body, my emotions and my spiritual self. It has opened doors I never thought I would be capable of walking through but I did.
The Institute supports their students on their journey as do the other members in your class groups so you never feel alone or isolated.
If this work sparks a light within you don’t hesitate – act upon that light. You have nothing to loose yet so much to gain.

Mark Woodgate

On the Core Pack…

The core pack has been an amazing experience for me and has meant I have been able to continue on a journey I never thought I would be taking, physically, mentally and emotionally both for myself and my clients. It has also meant that I am going to be doing the CSTT exams which would probably not have been done if I had not taken the Core Pack. It is better value for money too if you plan on starting on this journey as you know you will have the 5 main courses under your belt. I would certainly recommend anyone starting on the CST journey go with the core pack.

Naomi Pegden

On the Core Pack and Qualifying

For anyone wanting to deepen their knowledge about themselves, and explore the CST work – in order to be a more skillful therapist and have more tools and resources to help their clients – qualifying with Upledger has been one of the best investments in myself and my career. The vast knowledge, expertise and experience of the instructors and tutors was incredible and made assimilating the information easier and fun.


The ‘missing system’ that makes the CST difference

CST will add a depth and trust to your work, and take away the need to know what to do to ‘fix’ or the thinking that we should know what needs to happen.

There is something hugely respectful about just listening and following the body, allowing it to express and maybe even release what is really going on there. Often patients feel deeply listened to, maybe for the first time.

Learning to trust this can be a process in itself!

In the 70’s, Dr John Upledger was invited to Michigan State University to assess the validity of the Cranial Osteopaths’ claims of cranial bone movement. Over 7 years, this research, (which showed it was), fed into his practice and conclusion that the cranial bones were often ‘slaves to the fascia’.

The way that the fascia and fluid surrounding the central nervous system contributed to a subtle rhythm suggested that we could therefore consider these part of another body system – the craniosacral system: this was missing from many people’s understanding.

The profound effect this system has on the nervous system, and therefore our whole wellbeing, suggests it needs to be in good working order!

CST, as distinct from Cranial Osteopathy, grew out of this.


Dr Upledger’s first book ‘CranioSacral Therapy’ was published in 1983 and followed by six others over the years, as he continued to share his innovative ideas.

SomatoEmotional Release is the name he gave to his approach to working with emotional issues that show up in sessions, but know this is not different from CST.

Because we are aiming to treat the fascia within the cranium and spinal cord, and the fluid that surrounds these, we are addressing parts that have often not been addressed before!

This really can bring relief from symptoms, improvements in functioning and a deeper sense of wellbeing on many levels.

People all over the world find something that keeps them coming back. This work has been shared with professionals and healthcare practitioners from here to New Zealand and back again…!

It will bring a missing piece to your sessions.

What a gift you’ll be giving yourself.

What a space you’ll be able to hold for clients.

Are you in?


What else do you need to know? 

Here’s a couple of really common questions below, but check out the FAQs, feel free to email, or call the office with any more that you have.

We’re also super-happy to jump on a zoom with you or let you know when the next introductory webinar is.

And keep scrolling to:

Grab a prospectus (just below) if you want time to read and ponder…

Find out how to get the most support & save the most money with our CORE PACK

Or sign up to our FREE email course to Discover how CST can Change Your Practice.



I have previous healthcare experience but I’m not sure if it is enough?

If you have a background in some form of healthcare but either:

  • not to a nationally recognised level of qualification,
  • without the required level of anatomy, physiology and pathology (level 3 or above) or if
  • you have not had a ‘hands-on’ element to your work (eg if you are a yoga, pilates or fitness instructor, nurse, dentist etc)

then you may need to do the Training from Scratch programme, with or without the Foundation Certificate in Body Science (anatomy, physiology & pathology).

We work this out on a case by case basis. Have a look on this page and on the Training from Scratch page and if you’re still not sure then please give us a call so we can help!



I’ve done other CST training – can I skip the first few courses and do the advanced ones?

Sometimes we get asked by students who have done other CST trainings (or part of them) at another school, if they can join our further courses, or continue their training with us.

Unfortunately this is not possible as, although there will be some crossover, there will also be differences, and we need everyone to be on the same page when they are in any class beyond CST1.

If you do decide to join our training too we guarantee you will still learn lots to add to your practice! 




Can I get something ‘real’ to read with all the info in it?


Yes! We have a lovely printed prospectus which we are happy to send you in an old fashioned envelope, through the mail (I know!), by email as a pdf – or hey, push the boat out and do both.

Let me remind you what you will get from working with us:

💚   Training in a therapy that will bring profound change to your clients

💚  Skills that will continue to grow and evolve (and delight you for years!)

💚  Lots of opportunity for you to do your own work, which contributes to that evolution…

💚   A light touch modality that will be easy on your hands and body, as that clock ticks forwards…

💚   Exciting ways to work with the body-mind-spirit… As Dr Upledger said:

‘Tell me, where exactly does the mind end and the body begin?’


I could go on…

Have you had a session or three with an experienced therapist?

If possible, go and experience it for yourself if you haven’t yet. Then decide.


Or if you know:



Still not sure how CST can transform your practice? But curious?

Can I let you in on a few more of our CranioSacral Therapy secrets?

I’ve spilled a lot of beans in the new Free 5-Part Email Course.

You’ll discover how we:

  • Get lasting results – working with less effort
  • Release invisible barriers & deep-seated issues that have kept us stuck – often for years
  • Use a vital body system, missing from the text books…
  • Feel its rhythm and…
  • Change the game for our clients!


  • Get a fascinating crash-course on the anatomy needed to get started
  • AND understand what’s different and unique about our training, compared to others.

Are you Cranio Curious?

Then put your email in the box and we’ll send your first lesson right away!

Cranio Curious?
Sign up here.

FREE 5-part email course. Start Now! 👇 👇 👇

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    See our Privacy Policy

    And if you KNOW, and you want our BEST training package, for the BEST PRICE:

    Check out the CORE PACK!


    Ooh, what's the CORE PACK 🤔 ?



    Not a qualified therapist yet but  want to become one?
    Looking for a world-changing job you’ll love every day? 


    Our Training from Scratch programme will get you there. 






    Our Crazy Community…. It’s Serious Work….!!!