On CST for Chronic Depletion by Fiona Gilbraith

Eric Moya developed the CST for Chronic Depletion workshop using his extensive in-depth knowledge of Systems Theory. At first I was unsure how this was compatible with my understanding of Upledger CST. But having done the course and spent the weeks since putting this approach into practise, I realise that not only has it provided me with my most holistic treatment approach yet, but has taken me right back to the basic principles of Upledger CranioSacral Therapy. This is a truly patient-centred, facilitatory approach which ensures no agenda whatsoever on the part of the therapist.
For me, the most useful concept introduced on the course was that of the ‘epicentre. This is the idea that there is a point, the centre of a collection of our patterns, or the hanging point of a (child’s) mobile to which somehow many other parts of the pattern are linked. It is not the place to which we arc, or the centre of a fascial restriction but has a different feel to all of those. We were taught to connect with it more gently, more subtly, more neutrally and then be open to the other parts of the pattern/s showing themselves as we continue to hold the space.
I have used it not only as an approach for working with chronic depletion, but with many of my patients. And the patients love it! Without me saying that I am doing anything different from usual, they are noticing that their response to treatment is different in some way, particularly in SER-type treatments. Rather than focusing on a single event, they are experiencing patterns or themes of emotional experience which have been formative and are relevant to their current life situation. They also report processing those treatments differently with ongoing, spontaneous and effortless change occurring in an easy way for some considerable time after a session (even the two weeks between two sessions). To me, it feels as if I am giving their Inner Physician full reign, to step up to the forefront and take charge of their ability to self-heal. And the patients say it feels gentle, easy and hugely supportive.
So, if you have done CST2, get yourself on this course the next time it comes to the UK. It’s a fabulous way to spend 3 days of your time, and if my experience is anything to go by, your patients will love you for it!
Fiona Gilbraith