Reflecting on the Foundation in Body Science Training

The Foundation Certificate in Body Science is designed for people from all walks of life, and melds anatomy, physiology and pathology with palpatory training modules and a ‘Becoming a Therapist’ element.
With this, the first in a three-part series, we wanted to illustrate how diverse our students are, what they get from the course and how it has benefitted themselves, their practice and their clients.
We start with Sarah's intriguing story.
Sarah’s background
In 2004 I found CranioSacral Therapy hugely helped a poorly horse I owned. This encouraged me to understand and learn how I could help other horses.
As a qualified riding instructor and studying horse anatomy intensely after school, I found this to be a superb preparation for the Human studies I was about to embark on.
In 2013, I met the fantastic Carolyn O’Neill who invited me to a explore Upledger CranioSacral Therapy.
Working as a police officer for the past 20 years, I had not come from a therapeutic background, so the ‘Training From Scratch’ Foundation in Body Science was perfect for me.
Opportunities arose which I would never have believed possible such as attending the ‘Inside the Cranium’ for example, this completely blew me away. It’s already been an incredible journey and everyday I learn something new.
What were the best bits – what did you find most useful?
I loved the structure, which worked well for me. I found the three days a month allowed me time in-between to learn, recap and experiment.
Caroline is so knowledgeable and passionate – she’s inspirational. Caro is always encouraging and reassuring. I can hear Maggie gently guiding me, in my mind, during most treatments and some of the International Instructors I have met, have such wonderful presence.
I still work closely with some of the people I met on my Foundation Training – I have a whole community I see regularly who completely understand how I work and what I do, which is invaluable.
How has doing the training changed your work & what’s next for you?
I’m still a Police Officer, but now have this opportunity to start my own business. In four years I have completed my essays, exam, techniques and case studies, which has given me the CST title and qualified membership to the Cranio Sacral Society. It’s already snowballing to be a success!
I would love one day to work with the dolphins, and had everything crossed back at the symposium to win the Bio-aquatics exploration course in Grand Bahama! One day I will do it.
In the meantime, I would love to get involved with launching something around Equine CST with Upledger UK, if Caroline is up to the challenge!
Sarah Taylor-Jepp CST MCSS
Find out more about the Foundation Certificate in Body Science on the course page.